About Me

Hi! i'm Tabitha! i'm very excited you decided to take a look at my Website!!! Little bit about me. i enjoy being a little myself and i love making custom things that make you feel like its more YOURS than anything. its a good feeling. my dream is to save money to get a digital tablet and sell my art while i work on a manga. my goal is to move back to Texas and open up a shop where people can come in and get custom paddles one day and custom jewelry and custom blankets. 


so it looks like i will be moving to Orlando in August and we will see how my shop goes!


after a long few months i've finally got everything moved into my new home and will have more room to expand and grow i hope! thanks to everyone who supported me with the move!


thing have been up and down! i will keep marching on. i'm so grateful to have everyones support in this long road as i learn more and more about my craft. again i can't thank ya'll enough to everyones support!


it has been a good while since i've had the time and the words to update this page. Covid has been very hard for everyone and i'm lucky and very grateful that i was about to stay in the game this long. i've come a long way from making just pacis! i've started making stuffed animals and grinders for the high littles out there. making trays and earrings. all kinds of different and new things. i can't thank you enough for all your support in me!